Thursday, April 19, 2012

Is There Fear in Your Food?

Thanks to DT for sharing this very interesting excerpt from the book, "Dying To Be Me", a story about a woman who was dying from cancer and credits her Near Death Experience (NDE) for her healing. This comes from the Frequently Asked Questions portion of the book and coincides nicely with Donut Whispering:

Q: Theories are interesting, but what about practical advice? How do you stay healthy now - what do you eat and what to you avoid in your diet?

A: Well, my diet has changed since my NDE, but I'm afraid it's not in a way you think! I used to be paranoid about what I ate. I was a strict vegetarian. I consumed only organic foods and was into macrobiotics, vitamin supplements, and wheatgrass juice - and that's before I got sick. I thought that everything caused cancer, from microwaves to preservatives. I used to eat very healthfully, but I did so out of fear.

Now I eat whatever I'm drawn to. I enjoy chocolate and a good wine or champagne from time to time. I just make sure that I have a good time wtih food and life! I think that it's more important to be happy than anything else.

It's no fun eating all the so-called right foods out of fear of getting sick and being miserable about it. Being anxious causes a whole other set of problems. Our bodies are actually a lot more resilient than we give them credit for, particularly if we're happy and not under stress.

Even when I choose to eat healthfully, I do so out of love instead of fear. That's my method in every aspect of my life, and I invite you to live the same way.

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